Since When Do People Go To New Jersey Voluntarily?

Okay, so I apologize to my “many” loyal readers for not writing anything new since October 5th but I’ve been rather busy.  First of all, in a follow-up story, ya’ll will be glad to know that I’ve resolved my Costco card issue because Larry’s card will be transferred to my name so I can use it (pissing the sales people off: still so much more fun).  The reason for my not writing has largely to do with the fact that I had midterms last week and spent this past weekend and beginning of the week in Virginia for my Fall Break.  It was a lovely time to be home, especially since there were relatively few annoying little bitching babies/toddlers/adults who still act like toddlers on my flight and they slept (or used liqueur to contain themselves) the whole way home.

Being home was “interesting” because I basically went home to get birthday presents (backfired completely, but that’s discussed later) and because I can’t handle Florida much more and four days in the humidity of Palm Beach would have probably killed me.  It was so nice weather-wise (I got to wear a jacket, which I know isn’t that exciting UNLESS YOU LIVE IN A PLACE WHERE IT HAS BEEN IN THE 100s FOR THE LAST TWO WEEKS!) and I was able to nearly complete my UVa application.  I got an Apple TV from my parents as my official gift (mother will get me another gift as soon as I pick it out and make sure it’s not over-priced) which is so cool (and even though we have HDTVs at home, I didn’t realize how much better it is until I saw the difference on my TV here at school which is an HDTV but I don’t have the HD service for it.  There was a bit of a problem on Tuesday however when I went to see my hand doctor, who because of his love affair with Snoopy Ties, I’ll call Dr. Snoopy (or maybe MetLife’s paying him, but I doubt that) because of my ongoing thumb problem (there’s no cartilage between the my thumb bones on both thumbs and when the bones hit each other, it hurts really badly).  Dr. Snoopy gave me some injection to help the right hand (to see if it works well enough) and I nearly passed out for some reason.  Then, my hand hurt so badly that I couldn’t even write with it (not good), but it’s feeling better now, which is good.  The plane ride home was fun because I got to sit with Melanie, my VA sista at Rollins, who watched me struggle to do my French homework with my hand in pain.  We then spent about ten minutes searching for my car because I could not for the life of me remember where it was parked (first time that’s happened) and we were literally chasing the beeping noise of the Audi around before realizing that we were on the wrong floor!

Then, Wednesday was spent getting reacclimatized to school (ugh)/ freaking about turning TWENTY (so old, I know) on Thursday, which was an interesting day to say the least.  I spent the world’s most important day (because without me, so many people would not be able to function and then there’s the whole earth wouldn’t rotate on an axis part too, but that’s a minor thing) enjoying myself and didn’t really go crazy, because old people don’t do that.  I went to dinner with Justin at a Thai restaurant, which was rather good and then watched 30 Rock (love) because I had class Friday.  Other than the Apple TV, I have only received one other gift for my birthday so far because no one knows what to get me (which is so true for my family).  The other gift was from my friend Catharine, who got me some chocolates, which are very good (I’m eating them now).  Since her birthday is on the 24th and mine is the 15th, we decided to do something to celebrate both of our birthdays so we went to Epcot’s Food and Wine Festival, which is a lot of fun, even though it was raining.  Then we hit up the rides and then drove over to the outlets, where we bought NOTHING and it’s so sad when you leave empty-handed.  The only thing sadder is that Melanie and I had gone to the Mall at Millenia Friday afternoon and neither of us bought anything worth mentioning (Godiva peanut butter cups don’t count).

So that’s what is new with me but did some strange stuff happen to the peeps.  Grace was in DC and I feel so bad for her dad, because they stayed at this hotel where the robe choices were either Zebra or Leopard print and he had to wear one to open the door for room service and he had to decide which one was “more masculine” and I can’t decide which one is, so that will be tonight’s poll of the week.  So anyway, she texted me to say that she was going to serenade me over Skype that night and she didn’t get on until 0h07, and while I was a little upset that she missed it, her reason for being so late is actually quite good.  So, what apparently happened was that Rayco was looking after her dollar, Oliver, and had left the keys to Grace’s apartment in her apartment while she was at a party.  So Grace went to the party to get the keys to Rayco’s apartment, riffled through all of her stuff to find the keys, finally found them, walked Oliver and then felt bad because she late (which is okay); PLUS, she was in traffic from DC.

Now, there is a bit of sad news to report: Lisa’s grandmother died and while we’re sorry for her family’s loss, what’s worse is that she is currently in NEW JERSEY for the funeral and has been there since Thursday!  Thankfully, she leaves Saturday morning at 9h0!  Hopefully, she didn’t catch the horrible, horrible disease that is Guido (it’s takes years of costly etiquette classes to cure it).  Plus, it was snowing at the funeral,  her parents found out that she likes alcohol (DUH!) and did I already mention that she’s in New Jersey?  I feel so bad for Lisa right now.

Finally tonight, MAZEL to Andrew for Finian’s Rainbow being in previews (so proud!) and a reminder to everyone that it opens officially on October 29th.  I sadly won’t be able to attend opening night because I have a midterm that doesn’t end until 17h0 and the play starts not soon after that and I’d never make it to New York; plus, I’ll be flying to Charlottesville on the 30th and that’s with a non-refundable ticket but I’ll be seeing it in December when I’m in the city.  I know it’ll be great though!  Anyway, until next time…


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